ASPOG 45th Annual Scientific Meeting 2019 Presentations
friday 1 august 2019
Session 1 - Navigating sexual health in youth
The Influence of Sociocultural and Pychological Factors on Consideration of Labiaplasty in Adolescent Girls
Dr Gemma Sharp Presentation is not available
A pilot study of a free condom distribution program at the University of Melbourne
Madeleine Lim
Findings from the Sixth National Survey of Australian Secondary School Students and Sexual Health
Prof Jayne Lucke
Sexual risk-taking in Australian Adolescents: a research update
Dr Jennifer Marino
Genital examinations; how do medical students learn?
Dr Siobhan Bourke
Session 2 - Sexual and Reproductive Health across the lifespan
Researching sexual and reproductive health with women with disability
Dr Cathy Vaughan Presentation is not available
Does treating male partners of women with Bacterial Vaginosis improve sustained cure? The ‘STEP UP’ randomised controlled trial
Dr Lenka Vodstrcil/Rebecca Wigan
Vulvodynia and recurrent thrush/intersection with pain neuroscience
Dr Karen Berzins
Family centred care in paediatric oncofertility
Dr Yasmin Jayasinghe Presentation is not available
Session 3 - Trauma and Cancer
Seeking Asylum in Australia - the impact of trauma on women and infants
Prof Louise Newman Presentation is not available
The ROC redefined: optimising sensitivity and specificty to the lived Reality of Cancer
Prof Sue Walker
Communicating with Children about Parental Cancer
A/Prof Lesley Stafford Presentation is not available
Intersections of intimate partner violence, unwanted pregnancy and terinations: teh prevalence, impact and implications for pat
Prof Angela Taft
Reproductive Abuse: A huge, hidden problem
Dr Laura Tarzia
Session 4 - Sexual and Reproductive Health across the lifespan
Attitudes to sexuality and sexual pain in the older woman. What can we do to help
Anita Bir Presentation is not available
Clinical assessment to identify a neuromuscular component to pelvic floor dysfuncton
A/Prof Helena Frawley
Sex and the Menopausal Woman: Resisting Representations of the Abject Asexual Woman
Prof Jane Ussher & Prof Janette Perz
Managing menopause symptoms without medication
Prof Martha Hickey
Quality care for transgender people in General Practice
A/Prof Ruth McNair AM
Session 5 - Fertility, Pregnancy & Parenting
Understanding the decision-making needs of women interested in receiving information about elective egg freezing and how we might meet those needs
Dr Michelle Peate
Fertility health promotion in action: Your fertility seven years on
Dr Karin Hammarberg
Supporting Transitions, Attachment and Relationships (STAR Mums) - a pilot intervention for at risk primiparas in the transition to parenthood
Ms Clare Bellhouse
Baggarrook Yurrongi (Women’s Journey)
Prof Helen McLachlan Presentation is not available
Breastfeeding in public: can urban design increase women’s comfort?
A/Prof Lisa Amir
Session 8 - Fertility and Pregnancy
Medical abortion services through medicare
Dr Kathy McNamee
Legislating and regulating conscientious objecion to abortion: do we have the balance right in Victoria?
Prof Louise Keogh
“Just relax and you’ll get pregnant” - is there a link between stress and infertility
Dr Bill Ledger
#Empowerment: Empowering women to make clinical decisions
Dr Shavi Fernando
Session 11 - Sexual and Reproductive Health - Meeting future needs
Miscarriage Support - Where is it needed
Prof Meredith Temple-Smith
Prof Danielle Mazza Presentation is not available